Codeflexy is an online tool built for helping developers or debuggers whos use it to format and view JSON, XML, JavaScript ... especially Codeflexy provided some powerful tools such as Diff Checker that used to compare two text files in order to determine how or whether they differ. It also included JSON to XML parser and XML to JSON parser with a friendly UI.
Codeflexy also provided two original themes "light" and "dark mode". You also can customizable your own style on the setting panel such as font, text, and background ... on the editor.
JSON viewer and JSON Formatter Tool are used to formatting your messy JSON string to a clean readable JSON structure. You also can validate your JSON syntax online. We are using jshint for the JSON validation.
Convert JSON object to an XML structure and check your XML or JSON validation online. You can use it to parse your JSON object to a standard XML structure and check it's validation at the same time. We are using Fast XML Parser to handle this task.
Convert XML data to a JSON object and check your XML or JSON validation online. You can use it to parse your XML string to a standard JSON object and check it's validation at the same time. We are using Fast XML Parser to handle this task.
Is an online diff checker tool that used to COMPARE two TEXT files in order to determine how or whether they differ. You can compare and merge all kinds of text in the editor screen and original text screen. Examples: compare JSON text, compare XML text, compare CSS text, compare JavaScript code ...
This site is distributed under the Creative Commons License.
In brief summary, you may make and distribute copies of this site sol long as you give the original author credit and, if you alter, transform or build upon this work, you distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one.
If you are willing to learn you can copy this work, but we do not allow for business use.
This site developed using and Fast XML Parser for "XML to JSON" and "JSON to XML" converter.